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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Pastel Goreng (Indonesian Crispy Fried Pies)

In Indonesian & English

Bahan isi:
  • 200 gr Daging sapi/ayam cincang, 1 st Gula
  • 25 gr Bihun, 2 sm Terigu, 2 Dn bawang-iris
  • 3-4 Telur rebus, 10 gr Jamur kuping, 50 ml Air
  • 150 gr Kentang & 50 gr Wortel-ptg dadu kecil2
  • 1 Bawang putih & 2 Bawang merah-haluskan
  • 1 st Kecap asin, ½ st Pala bbk, 1 st Kaldu bubuk
  • Garam & Lada bubuk secukupnya

Bahan kulit:
  • 325 gr Terigu, 10 gr Maizena
  • 60 gr Mentega-suhu ruang
  • 1¼ st Garam, Minyak goreng
  • 1 Telur, 1 st Gula, 125 ml Air
  • ¾ st Kunyit bubuk (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Isi: Rebus kentang hingga matang, tiriskan. Sementara itu, rendam bihun & jamur kuping di air hangat secara terpisah sampai melunak (± 5 menit). Tiriskan & potong2 bihun lalu campur dng kecap asin. Tiriskan & iris2 jamur kuping. Iris memanjang setiap telur menjadi 8. Campur kentang rebus, bihun & sayuran. Bumbui dng garam, lada, gula, pala & kaldu bubuk. Aduk rata & sisihkan. Tumis bawang2 hingga harum. Masukkan daging & jamur, masak hingga daging berubah warna. Beri campuran sayuran & air, masak hingga air berkurang. Taburi terigu, aduk & masak hingga menyatu dengan bahan lain. Angkat dari api.
  • Kulit: Campur rata terigu, maizena, garam, gula & kunyit bubuk. Masukkan mentega & telur, aduk rata. Tuangi air sedikit2 sambil diuleni hingga adonan kalis. Ambil sedikit adonan, bulatkan lalu gilas sampai tipis (± 1 mm). Potong adonan berbentuk lingkaran berdiameter 10 atau 12 cm. Ulangi untuk sisa adonan (akan dihasilkan ± 20-26 lembar).
  • Taruh adonan isi di sisi tengah kulit lalu lipat/tangkupkan kulit hingga seluruh isi tertutup & membentuk setengah lingkaran. Tekan2 seluruh bagian tepi adonan kulit utk merekatkannya. Pilin bagian tepi kulit sesuai selera.
  • Panaskan minyak di wajan, goreng pastel hingga kuning kecoklatan. Untuk mencegah agar kulit tidak bergelembung, minyak jangan terlalu panas (panas sedang). Pastel dapat juga dimasak dng dipanggang (± 20 mnt). Bila hendak dipanggang, ulasi dulu permukaan kulit dng kuning telur.

Stuffing Ingredients:                               
  • 200 gr minced Chicken/Beef, 25 gr Rice noodle
  • 2 tbsp Flour, 2 Green onions-cut, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 3-4 Boiled eggs, 10 gr Wood ear mushrooms
  • 150 gr Potato & 50 gr Carrot-small dice cut
  • 1 clove Garlic & 2 Shallots-grind, 50 ml Water
  • 1 tsp Dark soy sauce, ½ tsp ground Nutmeg
  • 1 tsp Stock powder, Salt, ground Pepper

Wrapper Ingredients:
  • 325 gr Flour, 10 gr Corn starch
  • 60 gr Butter-room temperature
  • 1¼ tsp Salt, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1 Egg, 125 ml Water, Frying oil
  • ¾ tsp ground Turmeric (optional)

  • Stuffing: Boil potato until it cooked & then drain. Meanwhile, separately soak glass noodle & mushroom in warm water until softened (~ 5 minutes). Drain & cut glass noodle, then mix it with dark soy sauce. Drain & slice mushrooms. Cut each egg lengthwise into 8 slices. Mix boiled potato, glass noodle & vegetables together. Season with salt, pepper, sugar, nutmeg & stock powder; stir well & set aside. Saute ground garlic & shallots until fragrant. Put in minced meat & mushroom; cook until the meat color changed. Stir in the vegetables mixture & water; cook until the water reduced. Sprinkle the flour on top, stir & cook until it combine well with other things. Remove from the heat.
  • Wrapper: Combine flour, cornstarch, sugar, salt & turmeric in a large bowl. Mix in the egg & butter. Pour in the water a little at a time while you knead the dough until it becomes smooth & elastic. Take a part of the dough, make it round & then roll the dough flat (to a thickness of ~ 1 mm). Cut the dough into a 10 or 12 cm circles. Repeat the procedure for the rest of dough (you’ll get ~ 20-26 wrappers).
  • Place some stuffing & 1 sliced of egg in the center of the wrapper. Fold in half to cover the stuffing neatly (forming a half-moon shape). Press & pinch along the edges of the wrapper to properly seal the pies. Pleats the wrapper edges as desired.
  • Heat frying oil in a deep pan/wok. Deep fry the pies until golden brown over medium heat (make sure that the oil is not too hot). Alternatively, you could also bake the pies (for ~ 20 minutes). If you want to bake it, brush the wrapper first with egg yolk.

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