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Monday, July 29, 2013

Rujak Serut (Shredded Fruit Salad with Coconut Sugar Syrup)

Rujak Serut (Shredded Fruit Salad with Coconut Sugar Syrup). This shredded fruit salad is the perfect one for summer. The fruit salad is ultra refreshing, very appetizing, full of textures and flavors. You can serve the fruit salad as an appetizer, side dish, snack or even dessert. The fruits combination is not fix, feel free to use anything which are available in your area. The dressing made from coconut/palm sugar, for its deep, sweet, coconutty, almost caramel-ish flavour; then salt to balance the sweetness; tamarind paste/vinegar & lime for the sourness; a touch of shrimp paste for that extra savoury umami-ness; and chillies for the hot slap on the face. If you don't like it too spicy, just use smaller amount of chilies (or just discard the seeds & ribs). Making this salad does require quite a bit of work, to slice & shred the fruits, but the results will be totally worth it. A fruit salad that you simply must try!

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 300 gr Nanas, 250 gr Jeruk Bali, 300 gr Mangga muda
  • 150 gr Bengkuang/Ubi merah, 200 gr Ketimun, 1 lt Air
  • 7 Rawit, 150 gr Gula jawa/palm½ st Terasi (opsional)
  • 3 Cabai merah2 st Asam (2 st Cuka+2 sm Air nipis)
  • 30 gr Kacang tanah tanpa kulit-goreng5-6 sm Gula
  • 1 st Garam, Kacang tanah goreng-taburan (opsional)

Cara membuat
  • Ukuran diatas adalah berat daging buah saja (setelah dikupas). Serut/potong tipis panjang: mangga, bengkuang/ubi & ketimun. Potong kecil2 nanas & jeruk bali. Atau potong2 buah sesuai selera. Sisihkan.
  • Haluskan kacang tanah, rawit & cabai merah. Sisihkan.
  • Didihkan air, masukkan kacang & cabai halus, gula jawa, gula, asam, garam & terasi. Aduk hingga gula larut & rasa menyatu. Angkat dari api, masukkan buah2an. Biarkan hingga dingin lalu simpan di kulkas semalam, hidangkan dingin2. Taburi dng kacang goreng sebelum dihidangkan jika suka.

  • 300 gr Pineapple, 200 gr Cucumber, 300 gr young Mango
  • 250 gr Pomelo150 gr Jicama/Sweet potato, 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 lt Water, 30 gr skinless Peanuts-fried, 3 Red chilies
  • 7 Bird`s eye chilies, ½ tsp Shrimp paste (optional)
  • 2 tsp Tamarind (2 tsp Vinegar+2 tbsp Lime juice)
  • 150 gr Coconut/Palm sugar, 5-6 tbsp Sugar
  • Fried Peanuts-sprinkle (optional)

  • The fruits weight stated above are only for the fruit meat/flesh (after the fruits skin/rind peeled). Shred/thinly cut the mango, jicama/sweet potato & cucumber into matchsticks. Small slice the pineapple & pomelo. Set it aside.
  • Grind fried peanuts & all chilies; set it aside.
  • Boil water, stir in ground peanuts & chilies, all sugar, tamarind, salt & shrimp paste. Cook until the sugar dissolved & the flavor blended. Remove from the heat, add in all fruits. Let it cool completely; cover & refrigerate over night. Sprinkle more fried peanuts before serving if you like. Serve cold.


  1. Very nice blog from a nice person that likes nice things.
    All I can say dear Karin..


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