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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chicken Tower Burger

In Indonesian & English (the English version is below the recipe written in Indonesian)

  • 2 Fillet dada ayam, 8 Roti hamburger-belah 2, 1 st Gula
  • 8 lembar Keju, 8 Tomat cherry-belah 2, Daun selada-iris
  • 6 sm Saus tomat+1½ sm Saus mustar-aduk, 1 sm Olive oil
  • 8 iris Bawang bombay, 8 buah Hash brown/Rösti
  • 4 sm Mayonnaise+Saus sambal (opsional)-aduk
  • 1 Telur+1 st Garam+225 gr Butter milk-kocok
Campuran tepung: Aduk rata semua
  • 125 gr Terigu, 1 st Bawang putih bubuk, 1 st Cabai bubuk
  • 1 st Basil1 st Marjoram1 sm Bawang goreng-haluskan
  • 2 st Garam, 2 sm Paprika bubuk, 1 st Lada hitam bubuk
  • 1 st Sage, 1 st Mixed herbs

Cara membuat
  • Belah dada ayam di tengah jadi 2 ptg, kmd iris/belah jadi 2 tiap ptgnya memanjang (Akan didptkan 8 irisan). Rendam irisan2 tsb di campuran butter milk selama ± 10 mnt. Angkat ayam dari buttermilk & kmd lumuri merata dng campuran tepung. Goreng ayam hingga terendam (deep fry) di minyak panas 180° C sampai kekuningan (± 8 mnt). Angkat ayam dari minyak & tiriskan di kertas minyak.
  • Sementara merendam ayam di butter milk, hangatkan roti hamburger di panggangan roti. Tumis irisan baw.bombay & tomat dng olive oil. Taburi gula, aduk hingga baw.bombay sedikit kecoklatan & layu. Angkat & sisihkan. Goreng/panggang hash brown sampai kekuningan kmd sisihkan.
  • Ulasi bagian dasar roti hamburger dng campuran saus tomat. Ulasi bagian atas roti dng campuran mayonnaise. Atur/Susun irisan daun selada, hash brown, keju, ayam, baw.bombay & tomat di atas dasar roti. Tangkupkan bagian atas roti di paling atas.

  • 2 boneless Chicken breast halves, 8 Hamburger buns-halved
  • 8 sliced Cheese, 8 Cherry tomatoes-halved, 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 8 sliced Onion, 8 pieces Hash browns/Rösti, Lettuce-sliced
  • 6 tbsp Tomato sauce+1½ tbsp Mustard-mix, 1 tsp Sugar
  • 4 tbsp Mayonnaise+Chili sauce (option)-mix
  • 1 Egg+1 tsp Salt+225 gr Butter milk-whisk
Flour mixture: Mixed all spices
  • 125 gr Flour, 1 tsp Marjoram1 tbsp fried Onion-finely grind
  • 2 tbsp Paprika powder, 1 tsp ground Black pepper, 2 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Mixed herbs1 tsp Chili flakes, 1 tsp Garlic powder
  • 1 tsp Basil, 1 tsp Sage

  • Divide/Cut the breast in the middle & then longitudinal slice each halved breast (will get 8 sliced). Soak chicken in the buttermilk mixture for 10 minutes. Lift chicken from the buttermilk & then coat them evenly with the flour mixture. Deep fry chicken in 180° C hot frying oil until golden brown (8 min). Remove chicken from the oil & drain on paper towels.
  • While you marinate the chicken in buttermilk, toast the Hamburger buns just to warm them up. Sauté the onion & cherry tomatoes with olive oil. Stir in sugar; cook until the onion a bit brownish & wilted. Remove from the pan & set it aside. Fry/Bake the hash browns until golden brown, & then set it aside.
  • Smear the bottom side of the buns with tomato ketchup mixture. Smear the top side with mayonnaise mixture. Arrange sliced lettuce, hash browns, cheese, chicken breast, onion & tomatoes over the bottom side of the buns. Top with the other side of buns.


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